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Showing most liked content since 02/01/18 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    "War Rock Montana" Forum Rules & Information "War Rock Montana" forum serves to provide a safe, secure and family friendly environment for users of all ages. A constructive, respectful and welcoming approach is required from all members at all times, in both forum posts and private conversations. The forum rules are a general guide about what we do and do not expect from members, it is not an exhaustive list and moderators will sometimes make decisions independent of the rules. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the rules please contact us. Thank you! Do Be Nice and Polite Every member deserves to be treated with respect. Positive and polite posts create a friendly and welcoming environment that all members will feel comfortable in. Think Before Posting Sensible, well thought-out and legible posts help other members understand what is being explained. Post in Relevant Section(s) Posting in the most relevant section will ensure threads are seen by members most interested in the subject. Threads posted in the wrong section will generally be moved by moderators. Remain on Topic Threads should remain on the topic that they are discussing, they should not be discussing other topics. A new thread should be made for a new discussion. Report Content Please do not make posts to inform other users of the forum rules, use the report button to inform moderators when a post breaks the forum rules or moderator attention is needed. Do Not Use Profanity or Post Inappropriate Content As a family friendly forum we require that all content posted on the forum is suitable for people of all ages, this includes words, videos and pictures. Any posts containing inappropriate content or profanity (including self censored, automatically censored, acronyms and slang) will be removed from the forum. Flame or Provoke Do not insult or flame other members of the forum. Similarly, do not post with the intention of provoking a reaction from fellow members. This includes encouraging flame wars. Instigation is not tolerated. Spam A spam post is a post that provides no value to the discussion, or a thread that creates nuisance for others. The most common spam posts are posting, "+1", "nice", posting image macros, and nothing but memes or images. Threads are considered spam when they are duplicates, or devoid of valuable content. Replying to spam is not permitted either. Bump Threads Posting in a thread only to bring it back to the front page of the forum is not allowed, a thread should only be on the front page of a forum if there is active discussion taking place. The only exceptions to this rule are a small number of help sections, if the section permits bumping this will be noted in the section rules. Advertise Do not use "War Rock Montana" forum to generate traffic or attention for your endeavor, links to personal websites and projects are permitted on profiles and in signatures. Commercial activities are not permitted on "War Rock Montana" forum, this includes a ban on the sale of the game accounts, affiliate links and a ban on advertising. Behave in a Malicious Manner Do not behave in a manner that can cause distress, harm or inconvenience to other members, staff or the forum itself. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination, bullying, offensive material, using multiple forum accounts, breaching others privacy and accessing others accounts without permission. Warnings and Bans When a member breaks the rules a moderator will issue a warning, warnings can either be formal or informal. A formal warning adds points to a members account, an informal warning does not add points and serves only to provide notice about a specific rule or guideline. Support Any questions or concerns regarding the rules should be directed to the forum staff via the Support page. Please stay updated with this topic. Regulations may be changed at any time.
  2. 4 points
    We are proud to announce that the beta stage is now over! All beta users have received some rewards such as: 8th slot items for 30 days Medic Kit 2 for 30 days Premium for 90 days 2x starter bonuses (cash/dinars/etc)
  3. 3 points
    Changelogs: - New map: Warehouse - Changed some graphics - Characters, items and weapons description improvements. - Adjusted item shop prices. New map showcase:
  4. 3 points
    Dear troopers, we are happy to announce we have released a brand new client of WarRock Montana. We know we already upgraded a lot, but this one is bringing really cool things, and we can say it will be the last client upgrade. The reasons we did upgrade are the following: - This client is based on a Peer 2 Server model, this helps also people affected by peering issues in-game (also known as 999), so there will be no more ping, but a smooth gameplay. - The mentioned above Peer2Server is not the same as normal WarRock (ph/eu/kr) are running, our one is on a custom protocol that is way more faster than the normal game does, so we can guarantee a better gameplay experience - We can make more updates/add new features to this client as its faster for us, as there are only 1/2 people working on the project - This client has been built for really low-end computers, any user will notice instantly the lighter smoothness of the client There are a lot more ... Enjoy this update!
  5. 3 points
    見つけたバグをコメントに書いてください。 分かりやすく書いてください。 その現象の動画やスクショを貼っていただくと更に分かりやすいです。 ■未解決 AIモードで頻繁にクライアントが落ちる AIモードで稀にゾンビーがスポーンしない。 アイテムショップの一部のアバターとパーツのレイアウトが表示されない。 正常にゲームが終了されなかった場合、次のマッチからリスポーンしない。 (片方チームの参加者が全員退室した場合など) 座標位置の同期が正常に行わない時がある。 ■解決済み 小規模ミッションモードで頻繁にクライアントが落ちる。 小規模ミッションモードの7先取が機能していない。
  6. 3 points
    Changelogs: - Weapons balancement - a lot of weapons stats have been balanced - New items & packages available in the item shop - Visual fixes - Fixed some other "rare" crashes - Minor improvements
  7. 3 points
    Changelogs: - Fixed a strange "bug" in Zombie occurred some security fixes - Optimized Cash Item Buy speed for far servers such as USA and Asia - Fixed Army Hospital zombie spawn place bug - Fixed some glitches with inventory
  8. 3 points
    Changelogs: - Since now, you can earn cash by playing, how? Easy, every hour of game play (lobby / idling / afk are not counted) you will receive 500 WRCash (2.500 WRCash until next reboot ) - Added new items to the Item Shop - Adjusted some weapon sounds and prices - Optimized client/server networking - Optimized Zombie Mode - Fixed some glitches in Japanese UI
  9. 3 points
    We have added a new server located in Asia (Tokyo - Japan)! We want to thank the user @Garlic for his support for opening an Asian server. Hope you guys enjoy!
  10. 3 points
    As some people have a problem to run the game, I decided to write that short guide which may be useful. Below you can read about the most common reasons of that issue and find most likely solutions. Antivirus software Do you have antimalware software running in the background? Well. Some of the game client files can be recognized as unwanted and blocked or removed by your antivirus. As a result, you will not be able to start the game. First of all, disable real time protection before unraring the game client files. IMPORTANT! In the next step go to exceptions settings, search for the game client folder and add it. If you have done all, you can enable your antivirus, start War Rock and enjoy the gameplay. Drivers Missing or outdated drivers may cause problems with starting the game client. Make sure if you have MS Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package and MS Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 installed. If not, below are the download links. For 32 bit systems: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 For 64 bit systems: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=15336 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 This topic may be updated over time.
  11. 3 points
    Changelogs: - Disabled Keyboard Layout forcing (as adviced by Japanese Community & CodeDragon) - Fixed a bug with clan avatars that caused crashes sometimes - Fixed a bug in Zombie Mode where the 'barrels' wouldn't explode - Fixed some strange issues in the server - Fixed few problems with startup
  12. 2 points
    Changelogs: - Adjusted Item Shop prices - Changed cash per hour from 1000 to 500 and now you need minimum of 2 players in room for playtime to count for getting cash (zombie excluded) - Removed buggy character parts and added some new ones - Adjusted damage values for BG related stuff, so BG should be at least playable now. (its still work in progress) - Fixed some weapon/character descriptions Added new items and weapons to the Item Shop: - C4, Impact Wrench, HA_Supply, AVV Medicine and Gun Smith ticket - Famas_Silencer, CX4Storm, Javelin, Predator, Strela - All country Famases - One 8th slot weapon for each class (G36CD, TMP9, AI_AW, M60, M134) - Battle Group PKG2 Weapon Balancing: - Fixed recoil for AW50F, PSG, AK47TC - Weight increase for AW50F (+4), AK47_Dual (+14) - T-Bomb nerf, its now same as normal grenade - Micro adjustments for almost all weapons Weapon Balance Showcase: - 2nd slot: - Assault: - Medic/Engineer: - Big guns: Weapon balance is subject of change but it should be very good as this is the last big weapon balance update. And as always please try out the new improved weapons and feel free to leave feedback about anything.
  13. 2 points
    [GM]Garlicです。 今週は初めてハードウェアハックによる永久BANが行われました。 また、チートプレイヤーと一緒にプレイしていたということで1名が一時的にBANされています。 今回はAIモードで明らかに移動速度が通常とは違うプレイヤーがいるにもかかわらず、一定時間以上ともにゲームを続けている状態でしたので、 「チート行為を受容してゲームを行っているという判断」で、チート行為者以外も処罰対象となっています。 他人視点でもチートだと判断できるもの(※)に関しては、チート使用者だと知っていたかの有無は問いません。 有無を認めると、言い逃れが可能になってしまいますのでご理解ください。 (※)弾を無限に撃っている、移動速度が明らかに早いなど また、クランメンバーがチート行為でBANされた際は「連帯責任」や「管理者責任」が生じる場合がございます。 不正プレイヤーをクランに招き入れることがないようにご注意ください。 Montanaチームでは監視を強化しております。制裁に関してもガイドラインに基づき厳しく行っております。 皆さまにおかれましては、同じ部屋にチート行為者が入室した場合は強制退場させるなどの対応をとっていただき、 チート行為や行為者と関わりを持たないようお願いします。 前回、日本人ユーザーが150人を超えたということを書きましたが、なんと1週間で200人を超えました。 日頃のシェアに感謝します。ありがとうございます。 今後についてですが2つ予定しています。 ・1つめはバグの修正です。 これは早急に行わなければならないと考えています。ひとつひとつ着実に進めてまいります。また日頃はバグレポートにご協力いただきありがとうございます。 ・2つめは武器の性能修正です。 これは前回の「不人気武器の逆襲」の件です。近いうちになるべく早く実施できるようにします。 今週の経験値アップはいかがでしたでしょうか。 正直なところ、ミッションモードのラウンド終了時にクラッシュする問題の影響で満足にレベルアップをすることが出来なかったという人もいるかと思います。 これに関しては申し訳ありませんでした。現在は修正済みです。 次の金曜の夜からも週末の経験値アップイベントを予定しております。是非この機会に遊んでください。
  14. 2 points
    Changelogs: - Imported new & balanced maps - Adjusted weapon damages - Fixed few minor bugs
  15. 2 points
    Changelogs: - Zombie "HARD" mode is now harder - Moved the server under the .NET Core platform (should speed up a lot the server) - Some optimization to server code - Some changes to the general core
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    Thanks for your hard work and for your time, awesome update.
  18. 2 points
    CHEATS & HACKS 1. a) Do not under any circumstances use 3rd Party Programs Cheating and exploiting is a serious offense and we have a zero tolerance policy towards it. So please for your own good, don't use any cheats otherwise further actions will be taken. 1.b) Please do not publicly accuse another member of this community (or a clan) of hacking. Also, please use the proper avenue (a ticket) for reporting suspected cheaters in private. In recent times it has become more and more common that players accuse each other of cheating. Nor is this issue isolated to WarRock Montana. Losing a game alone (or getting killed repeatedly) does not necessarily mean that your enemy is using cheats. Accept that there are players out there that are faster or better skilled than you. However, if you truthfully suspect someone of cheating, please report them to the WarRock Montana team – but do not attempt to discuss the issue in public. 1.c) Please do not impersonate MODs or GMs as this will lead to termination of your account. ACCOUNT TRADE/-SHARING/-SCAMMING 2.a) Each account created by you may only be used by you and you alone. It is in your very own interest to keep your login data to yourself. Do not share it with anyone else. We take account trade and account sharing very seriously. Any and all players found to be sharing/trading their account are subject to prompt punitive action by the game masters. 2.b) Please do not ask members of this community for the login data to their account(s). As indicated in 2a, account data is to be kept private. Any attempt to gain access to another person’s account will have severe consequences. 2.c) Please note that Moderators and Game Administrators will NEVER ask for your password. PRIVACY 3.a) Do not give out information (e.g. postal addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses and the contents of a ticket or other private conversations…) of a private nature. We value the privacy of each member of this community. For that reason, and because EU privacy law requires it, it is absolutely forbidden to give out private information of any kind in-game. GENERAL BEHAVIOR 4.a) Please do not, under any circumstance, insult a member of this community – or provoke them into insulting/attacking someone else. WarRock Montana is not the place for personal insults or feuds, and you are expected to take that kind of behavior somewhere else. 4.b) Do not harass another member of this community. Cyber bullying is a problem these days, and we strive to keep it away from the game. Please treat other community members with respect and leave them alone if they wish to be left alone. 4.c) Do not say any racist or discriminating remarks. We here at WarRock Montana believe that each and every member of this community should be treated as an equal, no matter their nationality, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation or ethnicity and we expect the same behavior from you. 4.d) Please do not, under any circumstance, threaten to bring physical harm to a member of this community - or anyone else. Also, avoid wishing for someone to come to physical harm. (e.g. “I hope you get cancer and die”). Threats of (physical) violence against someone are taken extremely seriously and will have serious consequences if you ever violate this rule. So, in your own interest, don’t even think about doing something like this. Please don’t say that we have not warned you.
  19. 2 points
    Greetings troopers! We're excited to let you know that we've finished working on the new client and it's being uploaded right now! Get ready for a better interface, tons of new weapons, packages, items and gear! You can download the new client from the homepage! Kind regards, Your WarRock Montana team.
  20. 2 points
    Don't you understand that WarRock is a dead game? Why you are still trying to make private servers?
  21. 2 points
    Most games when they try to improve them, they get worse. Warrock is one of theese. So i think that this client is perfect.
  22. 2 points
    Changelogs: - Added tag when talking in Team Chat - Fixed bugs & crashes - Optimized core
  23. 2 points
    Troopers, we have move the Montana server on a new (better) server with a way better connection and performance. We hope this will improve your gameplay experience and helps to play better! Regards, Montana Team
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    * PLEASE READ CAREFULLY * Let's start with the reason: Why there is the 999 issue? Let's begin with the networking structure of WarRock. WarRock is built on UDP P2P system, this means there is no middle server handling the in-game movements. When you join a room, the server tells you how to contact the other users. So this is an example of P2P: https://www.codeproject.com/KB/WCF/614028/pto1.png This means that each player is connected to each other. Of course, this has some pros and cons. Pros: Less lag, because the data shouldn't go over the server Cons: Peer2Peer is blocked some from ISP/Routers So that's the real problem, some ISP/Routers blocks Peer2Peer system. The question is, why? The answer is because the player connecting to you are recognized as "unknown connections" So there is no way to resolve this 999 issue? There are some ways, you can do some tries. Disable Windows Firewall (Advanced one) Disable your Anti-virus network firewall Enable DMZ on your router (How to) Open UDP ports on your local machine (1-65535) If this didn't solve your issue, well, there are low chances to resolve it. So there are 2 probably working ways: Get another router Use a VPN VPN, of course, could make the game lagging, so we are also thinking about to make a free proxy hosted on own servers, so the delay would be like 0 as the server would have 0 delays with itself, and of course this proxy would cover only the game, however, we still have to work on this, but we invite everyone to fix their issue in the most normal way to have a better game experience.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Weapon balancing: - Fixed the following snipers damage: M24, SSG, AI_AW - Panzerfaust Damage partially fixed (still does too big splash damage) - PSG_1: Fix attempt but damage is still bugged, 1 shot to right hand and legs. Also increased bullet drop. - AW50F: Accuracy increase to 80 and added Bullet Drop - M24: Accuracy increase to 95 and added Bullet Drop - G36c: Damage +7, Speed +5 - PP2000: +16 Speed - Vector: Accuracy - 5, Weight= - 2 - Scorpion_D: Accuracy - 5 - Ump45: Accuracy +5 - XM8: Fixed recoil - Scar- H: Ammo capacity 30 to 20 and old damage stat of 50 - Scar- L: Accuracy +2 - AK47Tube: Accuracy - 2 and weight= +3 - M60: Damage +4 AK47 is a great starting point for the balance of high damage assault weapons, the damage and speed of these weapons are the same but as the magazine capacity increases so do the difficulty of precision and mobility. And K1 is a great starting point for balanced medic/engineer weapons, so increasing the speed and damage not only is balanced for G36C but also matches the IRL statistics nicely. (750RPM and uses the same ammunition as M4a1 IRL) As for the rest, only small improvements were made, there is definitely more work to be done in the future. Variety of the weapons should be better now but the work with the weapon balance will continue especially as currently all weapons do too much damage to the chest, so it takes 1 less bullet to kill. So please try out the new weapons and feel free to give feedback on what you think about the changes. * This balancing has been made by @WRMuhQ *
  28. 1 point
    WarRockの解像度が合わない時 PCのディスプレイの設定に合わせてWarRockの設定を変更した後 「もう一度設定を何も変更しないで保存を押してみてください」 多分これで治ることが多いと思います
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    ユーザー数 100超えているとは、驚きです! 個人的には、大規模がしたいので、大規模の人が増える、またはもどってくれるまでは細々と宣伝続けようかと思います。
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    今週は色々と大変な一週間でした。 大変なことのおかげで、ユーザー登録が再度必要となってしまいました。 皆様にはお手数をおかけしたことをお詫び申し上げます。 しかし、これにより良いこともありました。 日本が 国別ランキング1位 になりました! これは発言権が一番日本人にあるという状態になります。 日本の皆様、ありがとうございます。 ユーザー作成クランの第1号が誕生しました! おめでとうございます!! @P4P4SU 以前、アジアサーバーが東と南に分断したという話をしましたが、 あれは速攻で取りやめになりました。 今のMontanaの接続者数で分断すできではなかったなと思いました。 小規模ミッションモードでラウンド終了後に落ちる問題は修正されました。 ラウンド終了から次ラウンド開始までに動くと落ちていたので、そもそも動けないようにすることで解決を図りました。 クライアントのUIを日本語に対応させました。 現在、違和感のある個所が少し存在していますが、近日中に修正予定です。 ●クーポン入力画面のレイアウト ●アイテムショップのニュースが未発売のPSGパッケージになっている ●ショップのタブのUIがずれている ●ルーム内の準備完了ボタンに韓国語が表示される 上記以外にも日本語化でUIに問題があるところがございましたらコメントください。 ゲーム内テキスト(武器説明文など)も 実は今回のUI日本語化と同時に実装したかったのですが、 テスト段階で文字化けを起こしてしまい、そのまま解決には至りませんでしたので 今回は見送りました。これに関しては実装は難しいのではないかと考えています…。 ゲーム内フォントの変更は没になりました。ごめんなさい。 私事で恐縮ですが、この度モデレーターからゲームマスターに昇格しました。 やることは以前と同じですが、これを機に より一層 WarRock Montanaの人口が増えるよう頑張っていきますので よろしくお願いします! また、日ごろから皆様にはバグレポートなどにご協力いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 WarRock Montana Teamを代表いたしまして、心より感謝申し上げます。 [GM]Garlic
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    小規模で一戦終わるごとに、すぐ動くと画面が固定され、自分のキャラクターが外から見えます。 high pingのユーザーが入室するのが原因か、部屋が一気にラグくなります。 なぜ、high pingに、なるのでしょうか?
  38. 1 point
    日本のA.Iモードでは18wクリア時にそのマップ毎に景品(BBなら黒マスクOUTPOSTなら壊れたマグナム等)が 用意されていましたがWarRock Montanaでは実装されてないですか? またA.Iモードの難易度HARDとRUSH、タイムアタックの実装をしてもらえれば幸いです、 バグの修正等あると思うのでよゆうがあればで大丈夫です。
  39. 1 point
    AIモードで頻繁にクライアントが落ちるについてですが 独りでプレイする分にはほとんど問題がないです、人数が増えるほど不安定になる傾向があります (ソロプレイでなら最終ウェーブまで安定して行けます) ゾンビが稀にスポーンしないについてですが 18ウェーブまで何回もやっているのですが 18ウェーブで特にスポーンされないことが多いです
  40. 1 point
    You're the one registering to the forums and game
  41. 1 point
    I guess its around 3-4 times slower
  42. 1 point
    Greetings troopers! We're excited to announce that we've expanded our communication platforms by adding a discord server! You're more than welcome to discuss, have a chit-chat or even make some friends :). We also provide support through discord. You can find the invite link here Regards, Your WarRock Montana team.
  43. 1 point
    We have started a 200% EXP & 50% Dinar for 2 days!
  44. 1 point
    Changelogs: - Fixed most of the startup crash issues - Optimized UDP Tunnelling to be fast as possible!
  45. 1 point
    Troopers, we have discovered (thanks to @Unity) that this issue happens after your team wins a round and you move your character. This doesn't affect everyone, and we are trying to find out a solution for this. However, we still don't know what is the real reason for this problem.
  46. 1 point
    Changelogs: - Updated game to support new maps - Added bunch of maps - Added new animations & sounds to the game - Routine game update
  47. 1 point
    Changelogs: - Fixed some rare peering problems (Thanks to @SwaggerBoy for the help in testing & fixing the issue) - Fixed some weird AI bugs (Thanks to @ @SwaggerBoy for the help in testing & fixing the issue) - Fixed some glitches in the core
  48. 1 point
    During the beta period the exp/dinar has been multiplied by 500%,
  49. 1 point
    Troopers, we are now opening the beta to the public. The beta stage will end on 19.02.2018 On this date, all accounts experience, level, kills, deaths and other stats will be reset! Meanwhile, in the beta phase, we will constantly run an EXP Event of 500% until the end date, to let you enjoy a bit the game and test the server. We would like to remember to everyone that any feedback is really appreciated, and who will help with testing and report bugs will get a prize once the beta ends. With the upcoming patch on the date (19.02.2018), we will balance the item shop, and give to all the beta users a prize reward in WR Cash and free weapons for 30 days. Regards, Koryo
  50. 1 point
    HERE YOU GO GUYS: https://warrockmontana.net/download