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  1. 1 point
    AIモード HARDにて 14waveと16waveの時チャリオットが沸くのですが 無限にわきます最大確認でも40体沸きました 原因については14wave 16waveの時だけ チャリオット以外にゾンビが生き残っている時 チャリオットを倒すと即座にもう一度沸きなおされる ほかのゾンビを倒してからやると通常通りのスポーン(チャリオット6体)で終了 何回か試したんですがやはりほかのゾンビが残ってると10体でも20体でも順次沸いてきます
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    小規模で一戦終わるごとに、すぐ動くと画面が固定され、自分のキャラクターが外から見えます。 high pingのユーザーが入室するのが原因か、部屋が一気にラグくなります。 なぜ、high pingに、なるのでしょうか?
  5. 0 points
    Greetings troopers, We're afraid to announce that one of our hosting providers got hacked today, we want to clarify that the hackers did not gain access to our database nor steal any personal information from our users. That means everybody's their user credentials are safe so there is no reason to panic. Please note that if the hackers gained access to our database they still couldn't steal any personal data because we use one the best encryption, hashing and salting methods that are out there. The server will remain offline while we're trying to recover a back-up. We will compensate everybody for the downtime. Thank you for understanding and your patience. Kind regards, Your WarRock Montana team. EDIT: All the back-ups we're lost, please register again on the official website we will put out a very high exp event for the upcoming days so everybody can re-gain their levels, we're truly sorry for this tragic event.