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Showing most liked content on 03/18/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Dear troopers, we are happy to announce we have released a brand new client of WarRock Montana. We know we already upgraded a lot, but this one is bringing really cool things, and we can say it will be the last client upgrade. The reasons we did upgrade are the following: - This client is based on a Peer 2 Server model, this helps also people affected by peering issues in-game (also known as 999), so there will be no more ping, but a smooth gameplay. - The mentioned above Peer2Server is not the same as normal WarRock (ph/eu/kr) are running, our one is on a custom protocol that is way more faster than the normal game does, so we can guarantee a better gameplay experience - We can make more updates/add new features to this client as its faster for us, as there are only 1/2 people working on the project - This client has been built for really low-end computers, any user will notice instantly the lighter smoothness of the client There are a lot more ... Enjoy this update!