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Forum rules and information

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"War Rock Montana" Forum Rules & Information
"War Rock Montana" forum serves to provide a safe, secure and family friendly environment for users of all ages. A constructive, respectful and welcoming approach is required from all members at all times, in both forum posts and private conversations. The forum rules are a general guide about what we do and do not expect from members, it is not an exhaustive list and moderators will sometimes make decisions independent of the rules. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the rules please contact us. Thank you!


  • Be Nice and Polite

Every member deserves to be treated with respect. Positive and polite posts create a friendly and welcoming environment that all members will feel comfortable in.

  • Think Before Posting

Sensible, well thought-out and legible posts help other members understand what is being explained.

  • Post in Relevant Section(s)

Posting in the most relevant section will ensure threads are seen by members most interested in the subject. Threads posted in the wrong section will generally be moved by moderators.

  • Remain on Topic

Threads should remain on the topic that they are discussing, they should not be discussing other topics. A new thread should be made for a new discussion.

  • Report Content

Please do not make posts to inform other users of the forum rules, use the report button to inform moderators when a post breaks the forum rules or moderator attention is needed.


Do Not

  • Use Profanity or Post Inappropriate Content

As a family friendly forum we require that all content posted on the forum is suitable for people of all ages, this includes words, videos and pictures. Any posts containing inappropriate content or profanity (including self censored, automatically censored, acronyms and slang) will be removed from the forum.

  • Flame or Provoke

Do not insult or flame other members of the forum. Similarly, do not post with the intention of provoking a reaction from fellow members. This includes encouraging flame wars. Instigation is not tolerated.

  • Spam

A spam post is a post that provides no value to the discussion, or a thread that creates nuisance for others. The most common spam posts are posting, "+1", "nice", posting image macros, and nothing but memes or images. Threads are considered spam when they are duplicates, or devoid of valuable content. Replying to spam is not permitted either.

  • Bump Threads

Posting in a thread only to bring it back to the front page of the forum is not allowed, a thread should only be on the front page of a forum if there is active discussion taking place. The only exceptions to this rule are a small number of help sections, if the section permits bumping this will be noted in the section rules.

  • Advertise

Do not use "War Rock Montana" forum to generate traffic or attention for your endeavor, links to personal websites and projects are permitted on profiles and in signatures. Commercial activities are not permitted on "War Rock Montana" forum, this includes a ban on the sale of the game accounts, affiliate links and a ban on advertising.

  • Behave in a Malicious Manner

Do not behave in a manner that can cause distress, harm or inconvenience to other members, staff or the forum itself. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination, bullying, offensive material, using multiple forum accounts, breaching others privacy and accessing others accounts without permission.


Warnings and Bans
When a member breaks the rules a moderator will issue a warning, warnings can either be formal or informal. A formal warning adds points to a members account, an informal warning does not add points and serves only to provide notice about a specific rule or guideline.


Any questions or concerns regarding the rules should be directed to the forum staff via the Support page.


Please stay updated with this topic. Regulations may be changed at any time.

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